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The Association

The Association of Ex-students of La Salle and Sacred Heart was formed in 1960/61 by a group of students who had left school in 1958 and who were among the first Cambridge School Certificate Class to study under the La Salle Brothers. With the prompting and advice of Bros. Raphael P. Eagan and Charles M. O’Leary, they called a meeting of interested past pupils and out of that meeting and discussion the association started. An ad hoc committee drafted a constitution for the fledging Association spelling out the aims and objectives and thereafter the association took flight.

The Objectives of the Association then were:

(a) The promotion of a feeling of fellowship among Ex-La Sallians and Heartians.
(b) The provision of material as well as organizational support for La Salle and Sacred Heart schools.
(c) The undertaking of civic action.

The constitution was later redrafted by Datuk Stanislaus Yee Fong Chun and printed in booklet form. The Association was registered with the Registrar of Societies in 1966.

The Association in its 40 plus years of existence has never lost sight of the vision of the founding members as spelt out in the constitution. It is being faithful to this vision that has urged the members to be proactive in working for the association, for past students, for the school and for the less-well off in society.

One of its constant features and activities is the holding of the annual A.G.M. to report on its activities, to table and pass the accounts and to elect new office bearers, the organizing of the annual dinner fixed for the third Saturday in August and the awarding of annual scholarships to needy students.

Among the many achievements of the Association, the support it gives to the schools stands out. The members have contributed generously of their time, money, professional expertise, organizational skills to make S.M. La Salle one of the best physical school structures in the country and one of the best provided for in terms of space and amenities for imparting of an all round education. The latest amenity being provided is the setting up of an I.T. education unit.

Though Sacred Heart Primary School has not kept pace with the secondary in its development, the all Ex-La Sallian/Ex-Heartian Management Committee is doing its level best to maintain and upgrade the existing school. Efforts are being made also to re site the school to a more conducive environment.

It has always been the concern of the members of the Association to reach out to the less fortunate children and youth in our society. But in more recent years this concern has taken a more active and concrete form spurred on by what is known in the La Sallian World as ‘the shared mission concept’. This concept involves the sharing and invoking of the La Sallian dream of promoting human and spiritual education with other interested persons.

There is no looking back for the Association of Ex-students of La Salle and Sacred Heart and for its members especially when they are animated with the La Sallian spirit of faith and zeal for the human and spiritual education of children and of youth.

by Datuk Bro. Charles M. O’Leary