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Rules & Constitution


1.0 –  NAME

1.1    The Association shall be known as “Persatuan Bekas Pelajar-Pelajar Sekolah La Salle dan Sacred Heart” or “The Association of Ex-Students of La Salle And Sacred Heart”, which shall hereinafter be referred to as “the Association” and may be abbreviated as “La Salle Alumni”.


2.1    The registered address of the Association shall be at the La Salle Secondary School, Jalan Datuk Brother Charles M. O’Leary (Jalan Murni), 88803, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia or such other place or places as may from time to time be decided on by the Committee. The  postal  address  shall  be  P.  O.  Box  11879,  88838  Kota  Kinabalu,  Sabah, Malaysia.

2.2    The registered address of the Association shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.

3.0 –  CREST

3.1    The Crest of the Association shall be that which is shown in Schedule 1.

3.2    Description

The Association’s Crest is in the form of a shield divided into the upper section and lower section. At the top of the white background upper section is a yellow coloured star with six beams of ray emanating downwards towards the words “FIDES ET OPERA”, which means Faith and Works. The lower section is divided into two halves with the left half showing a drawing of an open book and a lamp against a background of maroon. The right half shows a drawing of three chevrons against a background of red. The wordings “ONCE A LA SALLIAN ALWAYS A LA SALLIAN” at the bottom of the crest represent the La Sallian’s spirit of unity and solidarity.

3.3    Significance of colours of the Crest

Red           –             Bravery

Yellow          –             Resourcefulness

White           –             Purity

Maroon        –             Education


4.1    The aims and objectives of the Association shall be: –

4.1.1             to promote, encourage and foster the spirit of goodwill, cooperation, solidarity and a feeling of fellowship amongst its members;

4.1.2             to  promote, look  after  and  safeguard the  welfare  and  the  interests of  its  members in particular, and the interest of La Salle Secondary School and Sacred Heart Primary School of Kota Kinabalu in general;

4.1.3             to promote close co-operation among its members and the La Salle Secondary School and Sacred Heart Primary School of Kota Kinabalu, the Schools’ Board of Governors and the Schools’ Parents-Teachers Association.

4.1.4             to  facilitate  general  social  interaction in  furtherance of  the  aims  and  objectives of  the Association;

4.1.5             to liaise, exchange ideas and affiliate with any other clubs or associations having similar aims and objectives in Malaysia and member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Commonwealth; and

4.1.6             to do all such other things necessary and beneficial to its members and are conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.

4.2    The Association shall be non-political in nature, but it shall raise no objection if any of its members take an active part in politics, provided that such members shall not in any way involve the Association in their political activities.


5.1    Membership is open to all Malaysian citizens aged 18 years, and above and categorised as follows: –

             5.1.1 ORDINARY MEMBER

Any person for admission to the category of Ordinary Member shall satisfy the Executive Committee that he is an ex-student of La Salle Secondary School or Sacred Heart Primary School of Kota Kinabalu. An Ordinary Member who is not in arrears in any of the dues payable to the Association shall have the right to vote and hold any office in the Association.

             5.1.2 ASSOCIATE MEMBER

Subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee, any person who subscribes to the aims and objectives of the Association may be admitted to the category of Associate Member. An Associate Member shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of an Ordinary Member; but shall not have the right to vote or to hold any office in the Association.

             5.1.3 HONORARY MEMBER

Any person may be conferred the  Honorary Membership if  the Executive Committee is satisfied that he has rendered outstanding service and valuable contribution to the Association. An Honorary Member shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of an Ordinary Member; but shall not have the right to vote or to hold any office in the Association. The number of Honorary Members shall be limited to 25 only.

             5.1.4 LIFE MEMBER

Any person having satisfied the requirements in Clause 5.1.1 and having paid the entrance fee and a  lump sum subscription fee as stipulated under clause 6.1 shall be eligible to become a Life Member. A Life Member shall enjoy all the rights and privilege of an Ordinary Member.

5.2    Every application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two existing members and shall be submitted in the Association’s prescribed application form and shall be forwarded to the Secretary who shall, at the first convenient opportunity, submit it to the Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee may, at its absolute discretion, approve or reject any application without assigning any reason thereto.

5.3    Any person whose application for membership has been approved as aforesaid shall, upon payment of the prescribed entrance fees and first annual subscription, be admitted as an Ordinary Member or Associate Member of the Association and shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership.


6.1    The entrance fees and subscriptions payable by  Members, Associate Members and Life

Members shall be as prescribed by a General Meeting of the Association from time to time.

6.2    All subscription shall be payable annually in advance before the 31st  day of January of each year. New Ordinary Members or Associate Members shall pay the entrance fee and full annual subscription irrespective of the month of entry.

6.3    Any Ordinary Member or Associate Member whose subscription becomes in arrears for three (3) months shall be denied the privileges of membership until he settles his accounts.

6.4    Any  Ordinary Member or  Associate Member who  allows  his  subscription to  become in arrears for twelve (12) months shall automatically cease to become an Ordinary Member or Associate Member of the Association.

6.5    The Executive Committee may, at its sole discretion, re-activate or re-admit any person whose membership has been suspended under Clause 6.3 or terminated under Clause 6.4 of this Constitution upon payment of all outstanding dues by such person and a readmission fee to be prescribed by the Executive Committee.

6.6    Special subscriptions or levies for particular purposes may be raised from Ordinary Members or Associate Members by resolution of a General Meeting of the Association. Any Member who fails to pay such subscriptions or levies within such period as may be resolved, the amount due shall be treated in the same way as arrears in subscription.


7.1     Any  Member  or  Associate Member  who  wishes  to  resign  may  do  so  by  tendering  his resignation in writing to the Secretary of the Association.

7.2     The resignation shall be deemed effective 2 weeks from the date of receipt of such letter by the Secretary and after settling all dues.

7.3    Any member who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, behaves or conducts himself in a manner which is contrary to the aims and objectives of or prejudicial to the interests of the Association may be expelled or suspended for a period of time as the Executive Committee deems fit. Before the Executive Committee expels or suspends the member, the member shall be informed of the grounds for such expulsion or suspension in writing and be given an opportunity to explain and absolve himself in person. Such suspension or expulsion shall be enforced, unless otherwise reversed by a General Meeting upon appeal by the said member.

8.0 – General Meeting

8.1    The  supreme authority of  the  Association shall  be  vested  in  a  General Meeting of  the members. At least one half of the total membership of the Association or twice the number of Executive Committee members whichever is the lesser must be present at a General Meeting for its proceedings to be valid and to constitute a quorum. The Quorum will only apply to members physically present and not by proxy.

8.2    If half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting a  quorum is not present, the meeting shall be postponed to a date (not exceeding 30 days) to be decided by the Executive Committee; and if a quorum is not present half an hour after the time appointed for the postponed meeting, the members present shall carry on with the business of the day but they  shall  not  have  the  power to  alter  the  Constitution of  the  Association or  to  make decisions affecting the whole membership.

8.3    An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be convened not later than 31 March after the close of each financial year and such meeting shall be held on, at such place, day and time to be decided by the Executive Committee. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be: –

             (a)        to receive the Executive Committee’s report on the state of the Association during the previous year;

             (b)        to receive the Treasurer’s Report and Audited Financial Accounts of the Association for the previous year;

             (c)        to elect members of the Executive Committee; once every two years;

             (d)        to fill any vacancy in the Property Management Committee (PMC);

             (e)        to appoint Auditors;

             (f)         to appoint Trustees;

             (g)        to deal with such other matters as may be put before it.

8.4    A notice of the Annual General Meeting stating the date, the time and the place, and calling for motions for discussion, motions for amendment of the Constitution and nominations for the election of the Executive Committee shall be advertised by the Secretary to all members not later than 21 days before the date fixed for the meeting.

8.5    Nominations for the election of officers and motions for discussion at the meeting must be sent to reach the Secretary not later than seven (7) days after the advertised notice.

8.6    The Secretary shall make available for collection by all members at least seven (7) days before the date fixed for the meeting, the agenda, minutes, reports and audited accounts of the Association for the previous year.

8.7    An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened:

             (a)      whenever the Executive Committee deems it necessary and expedient to do so; or

             (b)      at the request in writing of not less than twenty five (25) members stating clearly the objects and reasons for such a meeting.

8.8    An Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by members shall be convened within one

(1) month following receipt of such requisition.

8.9    The notice and agenda for any Extraordinary General Meeting shall be advertised at least fifteen (15) days before the date fixed for the meeting.

8.10 Clause  8.1  regarding the  quorum  of  an  Annual  General  Meeting  shall  also  apply  to  an

Extraordinary General Meeting,

8.11 If no quorum is present after half an hour from the time appointed for the Extraordinary General Meeting, the meeting shall be canceled and no Extraordinary General Meeting shall be requested for the same purpose until after a lapse of at least six (6) months from the date thereof.

8.12 The Secretary shall make available to all members a copy of the draft minutes of each annual and extraordinary General Meeting as soon as possible after its conclusion.


             8.13.1 All nominations shall be submitted in the prescribed forms signed by a proposer, a seconder and the nominee.

             8.13.2 The Election shall be conducted by the Election Chairman to be appointed by the Annual General Meeting.

             8.13.3 At the discretion of the Election Chairman and if the situation warrants it, nominations can also be called for during the Annual General Meeting.

             8.13.4 No nomination shall be put to the vote unless it has been accepted by the nominee.

             8.13.5 Election at the Annual General Meeting shall be by secret ballot or in a manner as decided by the Annual General Meeting.

             8.13.6 If, during the election of an Executive Committee, there is a tie in the number of votes casted, it shall be resolved by the Election Chairman who shall have the final casting vote.

8.14 PROXY

             8.14.1 Any member who is unable to attend a General Meeting may send a proxy through another member who  shall thereby be entitled to an additional vote. Original Proxy forms duly completed, signed and witnessed by hand must be deposited with the Secretary not less than 48 hours before the General Meeting.

             8.14.2 All Proxy forms shall be verified by the Executive Committee who shall have the authority to reject any Proxy form found not to be in order.

             8.14.3 A member at the General Meeting shall be allowed not more than one (1) proxy.


9.1  There shall be established an Executive Committee which shall be responsible for managing the affairs of the Association. The Executive Committee for the Association shall consist of the following members: –

  • President;
  • Deputy President;
  • Secretary;
  • Treasurer;
  • Sport Secretary;
  •  Social Secretary;
  • Membership Secretary;
  • Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Secretary;
  • Education Secretary;
  • Welfare Secretary;
  • The Immediate Past President; and
  • Four (4) Ordinary Executive Committee Members.

9.2  The  Executive  Committee  of  the  Association  and  every  officer  performing  executive functions in the Association shall be Malaysian citizens.

9.3  The President shall be a Life Member of minimum 3 years in good standing and shall have served for at least one full term in the preceding two terms, as a Member of the Executive Committee of the Association.

9.4  Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for a term of two (2) years, and shall be eligible for re-election every two (2) years subject to Clause 9.4.

9.5    No person shall be elected to the office of Treasurer for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

9.6  The Executive Committee shall plan, organize, execute and supervise the activities of the Association and to make decision on matters affecting its running in line with the aims and objectives  of  the  Association  and  within  any  general  policy  laid  down  by  the  General Meeting.  It shall furnish a report to each Annual General Meeting on its activities during the previous year.

9.7 The Executive Committee shall meet whenever it deems necessary but not less than once every two (2) months and seven (7) days’ notice of each meeting shall be given to the members. The President acting alone or not less then three of its members of the Executive Committee acting together  may call  for  a  meeting.    At  least  one half  of  the  Executive Committee members must be present to constitute a quorum and for its proceedings to be valid.

9.8 Where any urgent matter requiring the approval of the Executive Committee arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Secretary may obtain such approval by means of a circulation through letter, email, or other electronic media. The following conditions must be fulfilled before a decision of the Executive Committee is deemed to have been obtained;

(a) the issue must be clearly set out in the circular and forwarded to all members of the Executive Committee; and

(b) the decision must be by a majority vote. Any decision obtained by such manner shall be reported by the Secretary to the next Executive Committee Meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof.

9.9    Any  member  of  the   Executive  Committee  who  fails  to   attend  three  (3)   meetings consecutively without any reasonable excuse shall be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.

9.10 In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the Association to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.

9.11 Any member of the Executive Committee who is found guilty of any criminal offence or has committed any act that is detrimental to the reputation of the Association may be liable to be dismissed from his / her position in the Association, subject to the right to be heard by the Executive Committee.

9.12 The Executive Committee shall give instructions to the Secretary and any other officers for the conduct of the affairs of the Association. It may appoint such organizers and such staff as it deems necessary. It may suspend or dismiss any organizer or member of the staff for neglect of duty, dishonesty, incompetence, refusal to carry out the decisions or instructions of the Executive Committee, or for any other reasons which it deems fit and sufficient in the interest of the Association.

9.13 The  Executive Committee  shall  within  the  time  prescribed under  Section  14  (1)  of  the Societies Act, 1966 or as amended submit the annual returns of the Association to the Registrar of Societies after the holding of the Annual General Meeting.

9.14 The Executive Committee may appoint such Sub-Committees as it deems necessary to assist it in achieving the aims and objectives of the Association. Such Committees shall consist of a Chairman and any appropriate number of persons appointed by the Executive Committee from among members of the Association.


10.1 The President shall be responsible for the overall conduct and business of the Association.

He shall preside and chair at all General Meetings and all meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall have the casting vote. He shall in place of the Secretary sign cheques in conjunction with the Treasurer.

10.2 The Deputy President shall deputize for the President in the latter’s absence and to assist the President in coordinating the activities of the Association;

10.3 The  Secretary  shall  carry  out  the  instructions  of  the  Executive  Committee  and  of  the President. He shall be responsible for keeping all books, documents and papers except the accounts and financial records. He shall attend all meetings and record the proceedings. He shall in place of the President sign cheques in conjunction with the Treasurer.

10.4 The  Treasurer  shall  be  responsible  for  the  finances  of  the  Association.  He  shall  keep accounts of all its financial transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He shall be responsible for collecting all monies due to or for the Association. He shall sign all cheques of the Association.

10.5 The Sports Secretary shall be responsible for all sporting activities of the Association.

10.6 The Social Secretary shall be responsible for all social activities of the Association.

10.7 The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for membership recruitment and to keep a complete and up-to-date register of all the names and relevant particulars of members of the Association. He shall be responsible for membership recruitment exercise through publicity and social events and for all matters pertaining to membership of the Association.

10.8 Information & Communication Technology Secretary shall be responsible for the editing and publishing of all the Association’s news, information, announcements and the like as may from time to time be decided by the Executive committee; and for the publicity of the Association.

10.9   Education Secretary shall be the liaison between the Association and the schools (SRK Sacred Heart & SM La Salle) in regards to career guidance, motivation and extra-curriculum activities of the school.

10.10 Welfare Secretary shall maintain a registry of Lasallians who had made outstanding contributions to La Salle and who may be in need of welfare assistance; and organise the appropriate assistance where possible.

10.11 The Immediate Past President’s duty is to ensure continuity in the management of the Association’s affairs and to provide whatever assistance necessary to the new Executive Committee.

10.12 The  Ordinary  Executive  Committee  Members  shall  assist  the  above  officers  in  the management of the Association.


11.1 Subject to the following provisions, the funds of the Association may be expended for any purpose necessary for the carrying out its aims and objectives which includes all expenses of its administration, payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to its office bearers and paid staff and the audit of its account; but the fund shall on no account be used to pay the fine of any member who may be convicted in a court of law.

11.2 All monies and profits accruing to the Association from participation in any business shall be applied solely towards the furtherance, promotion and execution of the aims and objectives of the Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or profit to members of the Association.

11.3 The Treasurer may hold a petty cash account not exceeding a sum at any one time to be prescribed by a General Meeting from time to time.  All money in excess of this sum shall within seven (7) days of such receipt be deposited in a bank approved by the Executive Committee. The bank account shall be in the name of the Association.

11.4 All  payments,  cheques  or  withdrawal  vouchers  on  the  Association’s  account  shall  be authorized and signed jointly by the Treasurer and either the President or the Secretary.

11.5 No expenditure exceeding a sum at any one time to be prescribed by a General Meeting from time to time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of the Executive Committee.

11.6 The Association may raise funds for the purpose of carrying out its aims and objectives.

11.7 The Association may borrow any monies required for the purposes of the Association upon such terms and upon such securities as may be determined by a General Meeting and the Association may accept any bequest, gifts or donations made to the Association.

11.8 The  Executive  Committee  shall  not  sell,  withdraw,  charge  or  transfer  any  properties whatsoever belonging to the Association without the approval or authority of a General Meeting.

11.9 As  soon  as  possible  after  the  end  of  each  financial  year,  a  statement  of  income  and expenditure  and  a  balance  sheet  for  the  year  shall  be  prepared  and  audited  by  the appointed Auditor. The audited accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the next Annual General Meeting and copies shall be made available to all members for their perusal.

11.10            The Financial year of the Association shall be from 1st  day January to 31st  day of December annually.


             11.11.1         The Association may, with the approval of a General Meeting, own, purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire  suitable  land  and/or premises  for  the  use  of  the  Association and  to manage, improve, and to develop and utilize any such premises, and to sell, mortgage, let or dispose of same.

             11.11.2         The Association may, with the approval of a General Meeting, enter into any contract and may acquire by purchase, taking on lease, gift or otherwise any real and personal property and any right or privileges necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Association, and resell, lease, sub-lease, mortgage, surrender, turn to account, or otherwise dispose of such property,  or  any  part  thereof,  and  to  erect  upon  any  such  land  any  building  or  other structure for the purpose of the Association and to alter, add to or maintain the same.

             11.11.3         The  Association  may,  with  the  approval  of  a  General  Meeting,  invest  monies  of  the Association not immediately required, upon such securities or in such manner as may from time to time be determined.

12.0 – Property Management Committee (PMC)

12.1    There  shall  be  established a  Property Management Committee  (PMC)    which  shall  be responsible for managing the immovable property of the Association. The PMC shall consist of the following members:-

– Property Chairman who shall be a Life Member of at least 3 years standing

– Property Secretary

– 3 Ordinary Property Committee Members

–  2  Ex-officio  who  shall  be  the  President  of  the  Association  and  the  Treasurer  of  the Executive Committee

12.2    Members of  the  PMC  shall  be  appointed at  the  Annual General Meeting and may be removed in accordance with Clause 12.6 and Clause 12.7.

12.3    The PMC shall be responsible for the use of the property and shall have the authority in renting, collecting, repairing, upgrading and other duties incidental there to.

12.4   The PMC shall prepare and present their annual management plan and budget to theExecutive Committee for their deliberation and acceptance.

12.5   The PMC shall open a project bank account under the Association and shall be responsible for  managing  the  finances  in  relation  to  the  duties  and  responsibilities  of  the  PMC, including dealing with the local authorities, government departments and service providers. The Property Chairman or the Property Secretary shall have the power to sign cheques under this project account, in conjunction with the Treasurer of the Executive Committee whose signature is mandatory.

12.6   The Executive Committee may withdraw up to 50% of the net income of the previous quarter from the project account of the PMC. Any withdrawal in excess of 50% of the net income of the previous quarter shall require the approval of a General Meeting.

12.7   The PMC shall prepare and present Quarterly Reports covering all areas of their duties and responsibilities, in March, June, September and December to the Executive Committee, and Annual Report to the AGM at least 21 days prior to the date of the AGM.

12.8   A member of the PMC may be removed from office by the General Meeting on the grounds that, owing to ill health, unsoundness of mind, absence from the country or for any other reason, he is unable to perform his duties or unable to do so satisfactorily.

12.9   The General Meeting may remove no more than one member of the PMC in one meeting and in any twelve (12) months, provided always that there shall not be any vacancy occasioned by the death or resignation of any member of the PMC in those twelve (12) months.

12.10             Clause  12.6  and  Clause  12.7  shall  not  be  applicable  to  the  Ex-Officio  whose  PMC memberships are by virtual of their office in the Executive Committee.

12.11             In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a member of the PMC, the vacancy shall be filled by another member appointed by a General Meeting.

13.0 – AUDITOR

13.1   The Annual General Meeting shall appoint an Auditor or a firm of professional auditors, who shall not be a member of the Executive Committee. They shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

13.2   Any proposed appointment or re-appointment of an Auditor shall come with a prior written consent from the proposed Appointee.

13.3   In case of an Auditor so appointed not being able to act or perform the duty of an Auditor, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.

13.4   The Auditor shall be required to audit the accounts of the Association for the current year and to prepare a report, certificate or any other audit document for the Annual General Meeting.  He may also be called upon by the President to audit the Association’s accounts for any period during the tenure of his office and the audit report shall be submitted to the Executive Committee immediately upon its completion.


14.1 Three (3) Life Members of minimum 3 years good standing who shall be over forty (40) years of age and who shall have served the Association as either the President, Deputy President, Secretary or Treasurer for at least 2 full terms, shall be appointed as Trustees at the Annual General Meeting and may be removed in accordance with  Clause 14.5 and Clause 14.6

14.2 Any proposed appointment of a Trustee shall come with a prior written consent from the proposed Appointee.

14.3 The Trustees shall have vested in them all immovable properties whatsoever belonging to the Association upon execution of a Deed of Trust.

14.4 The Trustees shall not sell, withdraw or transfer any of the properties of the Association without the authority of a General Meeting with a two third (2/3) majority vote by the members.

14.5 A Trustee may be removed from office by the General Meeting on the grounds that, owing to ill health, unsoundness of mind, absence from the country or for any other reason, he is unable to perform his duties or unable to do so satisfactorily.

14.6 The General Meeting may remove no more than one Trustee in one meeting and in any twelve (12) months, provided always that there shall not be any vacancy occasioned by the death or resignation of any Trustee in those twelve (12) months.

14.7 In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a Trustee, the vacancy shall be filled by a new Trustee appointed by a General Meeting.


15.1 Between General Meetings, the Executive Committee shall interpret the Constitution of the Association and, when necessary, determine any point on which the Constitution is silent or ambiguous.

15.2 The interpretation of any provision of this Constitution, or on any point not provided for under this Constitution, by the Executive Committee shall be final and binding on all members; provided that such interpretation shall not be contrary to any written law for the time being in force.

15.3 Except where they are contrary to or inconsistent with the policy previously laid down by the  General Meeting, the  decisions of  the  Executive Committee shall  be  binding on  all members of the Association unless and until countermanded by a resolution of a General Meeting.

15.4 Clauses 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 shall not be applicable in regards to the sale, transfer, disposal or charge of any immovable property, which interpretation thereof shall be reserved to the General Meeting.

16.0 – PATRON

16.1   The Executive Committee may, when appropriate, appoint anyone who is qualified to be the Patron for the Association provided that the person to be appointed expresses his consent in writing.


17.1   None of the following games shall be played in the premises of the Association: Roulette, Lotto, Fan-Tan, Poh, Peh Bin, Belangkai, Pai Kau, Tau Ngau, Tien Kow, Chap Ji Kee, Sam Cheong, Twenty-One, Thirty-One, Ten and half, all games of Dice, bankers’ games, video games and all games of mere chance.

17.2   Neither the Association nor its members shall attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with the trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Act, 1959.

17.3   The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Association or its office-bearers, committee or member without prior approval from the relevant authority.

17.4   The Association shall not pay out any ‘benefits’ as defined under Section 2 of the Societies Act, 1966 to any of its members or member’s dependent.


18.1 This Constitution may not be altered or amended except by resolution of not less than two- third majority of a General Meeting provided a quorum has been met. Application for such alterations or amendments shall be made to the Registrar of Societies within 60 days from the date of the decision to make the change of the amendment and shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies.


19.1 The Association may be voluntarily dissolved by a resolution at a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose of not less than three-fifths of the total memberships.

19.2 In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds shall be disposed off in such manner as may be decided upon by a General Meeting.

19.3 Notice  of  dissolution  in  the  form  prescribed  by  law  and  signed  by  the  President  and Secretary shall be given within fourteen (14) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.



This Editorial and Administrative Compilation

was put together through the collective contribution and support


Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Richard Malanjum

(previous Chief Justice of Malaysia)

Datuk Anthony Roderic Fernandez

(previous Sabah Attorney General)

Sr. Ho Kin Wong

(Board Chairman of SM La Salle & Past President of the Association 1988-1992)

Mr. Michael Denis Tan

(Past President of the Association 2000-2001)

Mr. Peter JY Liau

(Past President of the Association 2008-2010)

Mr. Barry Bullah

(Past President of the Association 2010-2014)

Ir. John Gomez

(Immediate Past President of the Association 2014-2018)

Dr. Rafiq Bin Idris

(Executive Committee – Education Secretary 2018-2020)

Ms. Annie Shin

(Deputy President of the Association 2018-2020)

Mr. Herman Yee Nyuk On

(President of the Association 2002-2008 & 2018-2020)

Br. Justin Mobilik, FSC
